INICIO  / chuquicamata mine chile

chuquicamata mine chile

Chuquicamata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La mina de Chuquicamata es una mina de cobre, oro y molibdeno a cielo abierto. Está ubicada a 15 km al norte de Calama y a 2870 metros de altitud, ​ en la región de Antofagasta, Chile. Fue considerada la mina más grande del mundo en su tipo y la mayor productora de cobre. La mina, formalmente parte de la División Chuquicamata, es administrada por la empresa estatal Codelco, luego que Chile nacionalizara la extracción cuprífera en 1971. Explotada desde tiempo

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Chuquicamata Copper Mine, Northern region of Chile

The Chuquicamata copper mine is located in the Codelco Norte Division, lying approximately 1,650km north of Santiago, Chile. It is located within the north-north east-trending intrusive complex named Chuqui porphyry

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Chuquicamata Copper Mine, Desert Oasis Britannica

Chuquicamata, mining and smelting centre, northern Chile. It lies near Calama at 9,350 feet (2,850 metres) above sea level and is the largest

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Chuquicamata CODELCO - Corporación Nacional del Cobre, Chile

División Chuquicamata es una mina de cobre y oro a rajo abierto. Está ubicada a 15 km al norte de Calama, en la Región de Antofagasta. Es considerada la más grande del

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Chuquicamata Underground Mine - Hatch Ltd

Chuquicamata Underground Mine Transforming the world's largest open-pit mine Codelco Chile 2009–2021 Challenges The Chuquicamata underground mine will allow Codelco

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Chuquicamata Mine, Chile EROS - USGS

Mining. The Atacama Desert of northern Chile has minimal vegetation. But it has ample mineral wealth: large amounts of copper, gold, silver, and other industrial metals. This

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Visiting Chuquicamata ghost town and mine - From Here to

2015年7月3日  The Chuquicamata copper mine near Calama, Chile, makes for an odd tourist attraction. Measuring 4.3 kilometres by 3 kilometres and over 900 metres deep,

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Chuquicamata Coppermine – Calama Chile

Today, the production reaches the 630 tons of fine copper every year. The Chuquicamata Mine belongs to CODELCO (Copper Corporation), the most important Chilean mineral industry, and it`s the biggest copper mine in

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