INICIO  / perceptions and experiences of occupational health risks in mining

perceptions and experiences of occupational health risks in mining


Methods Safety and health must be critical inclusion criteria across all stages of the mining lifecycle, i.e. exploration, design and construction, operation, extraction and processing, engi- neering and maintenance, and beyond, into mine closure and rehabilitation.

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Occupational health hazards in mining: an overview

2004年8月1日  Abstract. This review article outlines the physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial occupational health hazards of mining and associated

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Occupational health-related risk factors in mining industry

2021年12月10日  This research aims to review the current research in the field of occupational health and safety in mining sector to categorize health-related risk

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Perceptions of climate change and occupational heat

2019年3月20日  The predicted rise and intensity of temperature and humidity levels in tropical developing countries like Ghana driven by climate change aggravate the

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What Influences Miners' Safety Risk Perception? - PubMed

2022年3月23日  The four influencing factors all have a positive impact on miners' risk perception; knowledge level has the largest explained variation of miners' risk

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Mining - The Miner Health Program, 2020-2030 Strategic

2021年2月26日  The MHP is part of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Program, whose mission is to eliminate mining fatalities, injuries, and illnesses through relevant research and

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Safety Culture: A Retrospective Analysis of Occupational

2021年6月1日  Although substantial progress has been made in the control of occupational health and safety (OHS) hazards in mining, the industry still accounts for

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Climate change and occupational heat stress risks and ... - PubMed

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Exploring the Mine Environment, Safety Risk and Occupational

2023年8月15日  In addition, mining activities also cause pollution to the surrounding environment, such as soil pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and so on. Mining can

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CDC - Mining - Workplace Perceptions of Safety - NIOSH

2018年2月11日  Mining Publication: Workplace Perceptions of Safety. An organization's "climate" refers to the shared perceptions of workers about the health and safety

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